Friday, December 10, 2010

Bradley Beach 1947

Charlie, Freddie Kaufman, Al Patnoi, Mr. Choper

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Doris Fishler sent this:
April 26, 1960: Irving Goodstein took this picture when the Sisterhood was hosting the Annual Spring Conference for Central NJ Branch of Women's League.
Pearl Winograd, Bert Samson, Doris Fishler, Emily Korb, Ann Kesselman, Flora Laden

Monday, April 5, 2010

Mr. Schlussler

I was showing my grades 11&12 class (Cong. B'nai Israel, Rumson, NJ) some clips from the movie "Gentlemen's Agreement" and trying to give some feel for the climate in the late 1940's. Suddenly I recalled something Mr. Schlussel had told our class in the mid-1950's. He said that we owed a great debt to African Americans (then politely called Negroes), because they were the largest and most visible minority and we were next. He believed that a lot of the misfortune that fell on them would otherwise land on us.
I remember Mr. Schlussel as a talented and enthusiastic teacher and a saintly man. I think he taught at Adath Israel for only a short time. Anybody else remember him?