Beginning to look through my old files for pertinent Adath Israel memorabilia I discovered the program for a tribute given by Adath Israel to Marion and Abe Neiss. It wouldn't be an overstatement to mention that without the Neiss's there might not have been the Adath Israel we came to inhabit and to love. I enclose all the material since a number of our Adath Israel members are memorialized therein. they were all 'doers' ...the vital element in bringing any dream from a dreamy haze into sharp-focused reality. I have a bit more such, however if such voluminous posting is too much or of no interest please let me know.
I'll take it upon myself to say that your posts are highly appreciated, and certainly not too voluminous. The idea behind the blog is to collect as much material as possible. Can't be too much.
Morris, that post is priceless! Exactly what I was hoping for from the "contributors" - keep 'em coming! - Sharon
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