These are some still frames from the 1949 video of the original Adath Israel on School Street. Can anyone identify these faces? I've added more labels to the video, but have had trouble uploading the file. I'll keep trying.
Memories of and from the members of (the now late)Congregation Adath Israel, Woodbridge, New Jersey
If you review the entire 4 0r 5 seconds of the young man in the top photo perhaps you might feel as I do that it is Phil Shore. I cannot swear to it, but Phil always wore a crewcut then and a bit of the way his face looks overall makes me strongly suspect it is he.
Is that Ben Rabinowitz in the last picture - the one with the cigarette in his mouth?
Does not look like Ben. Looks more like Charley Feibush
I think Don may well be right, it very likely could be Charley.
I believe the woman and the two girls, in the center picture, are Pauline Patnoi, with Rita, the younger one, and Linda, the elder one.
Lorraine Levan is correct. That is my mother, Pauline Patnoi, with my sister Linda and me, Rita.
Lorraine Levan is correct about my cousins Pauline Patnoi and her girls.
Pauline died tragically young, after a fall down the stairs.
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