Thursday, January 6, 2011

Lorraine Levan Thanks for the picture! Wow, I have a case of nostalgia for my childhood in Woodbridge! I am able to identify five more of those pictured in the larger cast photo, possibly 6. Seated next to Pearl Burns is Joe Najavitz.The woman on the and in the print dress is Lee Ellentuck. In the second row, third over from Lee is Dr. Izzy Rabinowitz. I believe the man in the hat behind Elsie Plavin's shoulder is Ted Cohen. The man to his right (viewer's left) in the tie is Irv Goodstein. And, in the back row, next to Harry Kagan, isn't that Dr. Bernstein? And, in the vignettes, of course we can see Rose Belafsky.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In the second row down on the left is my uncle, Ralph Deutsch

Dennis Deutsch